

Microneedling Device | Bare N Beautiful in Anderson, SC

Skinpen Microneedling

Microneedling is a treatment that uses small needles to treat scars, enlarged pores, wrinkles, and stretch marks. This medical treatment uses a SkinPen that penetrates within the treated area. This procedure regenerates new collagen and skin tissue resulting in a firmer and toned appearance. It’s commonly used on the face and is excellent for treating several scars, wrinkles, and enlarged pores. This minimally invasive treatment is safe for most patients who are healthy. The versatility of this treatment lets us customize the procedure to give you anti-aging or acne scar improvements. To experience the best skin rejuvenation treatment, visit our medspa in Anderson and Greenville, SC.

The pros of this treatment include:


Candela Exceed

45 minutes

At Bare N Beautiful, we use Candela Exceed Microneedling system for optimal skin rejuvenation. It's the first FDA-approved dual-indicated Microneedling device. This device uses revolutionary technology and is becoming a spotlight favorite. Most patients get four treatments within one month resulting in firmer, softer skin. It provides enhanced versatility for the reduction of acne scars and facial wrinkles. In a clinical study, 90% of patients saw an improvement in facial wrinkles with only a few treatments.

Facial Rejuvenation

45 minutes

Microneedling with natural growth factors is the one-stop solution for treating mild to moderate wrinkles on several face areas, including lines near the eyes and corners of the mouth. You'll get a revitalized complexion with a quick facial rejuvenation treatment.

Acne Scarring

45 minutes

Microneedling with natural growth factors will regenerate underlying collagen to the texture of your skin. Get maximum healing on acne scars such as ice-pick scars and atrophic scars. Three sessions over three months are recommended for optimal outcomes.


 Microneedling targets the face to treat acne scars, sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, reduced skin elasticity, and uneven skin tone. 

In general, the results last up to twelve weeks. 

You’ll see improvements within one week. The results will continue to improve for a few weeks after treatment. 

Yes. You might get mild skin irritation the same day of treatment. This symptom subsides within a few days.

Bare N Beautiful LLC

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We’ll be happy to answer all of your questions and make sure you have an amazing experience at our medical spa.

Bare N Beautiful LLC


For all service inquires, please fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
We’ll be happy to answer all of your questions and make sure you have an amazing experience at our salon.

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