
PRP/Plasma Gel For Facial Aesthetics: All You Need To Know

Woman Taking PRP Plasma Gel For Facial Aesthetics | Bare N Beautiful in Anderson, SC

PRP Plasma Gel, also known as Bio-Gel, is a natural medical rejuvenation method that can treat lines and wrinkles in small and large areas of the skin. As a bio-filler, it is made by extracting plasma from the blood sample, particularly the platelet-poor plasma part, and processing it according to specialized protocols. As a matter of fact, PRP/ Plasma gel is an offshoot of this procedure that aims to bring back or repair the lost volume in the face and body through its own substance.

How Does Plasma Gel Work?

Bio-filler with PRP Plasma Gel is an “autologous aesthetic procedure” – the product involved utilizes a patient’s cells or tissue. The Plasma Gel treatment should take around 1h as there is a need to take 10 and 20 ml of blood, which is then centrifuged, filtered, and processed to create the Platelet Rich Plasma and the Bio Filler. The Plasma Gel boasts the same color and consistency as natural fat but becomes much softer when injected. 

A crucial benefit of this treatment is that it stimulates the stem cells and growth factors that produce collagen – the body’s natural protein for keeping skin taut, fresh and youthful. That means the skin will naturally reproduce itself for months after the injections. Moreover, the first results are visible immediately after the treatment, and the effects of collagen production are noticeable after a couple of weeks. 

What Are The Benefits Of Plasma Gel?

The plasma contains growth factors that boost collagen development and enhance skin elasticity. This procedure offers the following benefits:

Skin Rejuvenation

Elastin production is significantly reduced due to age, leading to more lines and sagging skin. The treatment stimulates elastin production in the dermis, leading to more radiance and brightness, making it appear healthier. Indeed, a youthful appearance can be achieved through the natural stimulation of collagen production, leading to fuller lips and firmer skin. 

Reduces Acne Scarring

Since the healing process for healthy skin takes time, platelets can speed up the process and enable new skin cells to regenerate and replace the damaged ones. In fact, PRP can give the skin a tighter appearance, thus reducing clogged pores and preventing future breakouts, as well as reducing inflammation and killing bacteria for those suffering from acne and acne scars.

Can Help with Pigmentation Issues

Because of UV rays and sun exposure, collagen in the skin can break down, leading to wrinkles and skin discoloration. With the help of Plasma facials, it can help restore pigmentation damage by forcing new cells to grow.

Treats Fine Lines and Deep Creases

Aging causes cells in the dermis to die and break down by enzymes. This leads to lines appearing around the mouth, eyes, forehead, and neck. This treatment can stimulate new cell growth in these areas, producing more collagen. 

Nonetheless, the presence of more collagen smooths out fine lines and deep creases, giving the face a smoother appearance. 

Reduced Pore Size

Since dead skin cells can clog the pores, it causes them to look larger than normal. With the help of PRP/Plasma Gel, it helps the skin cells regenerate and grow more quickly by working at the cellular level. As a result, one can see healthier and more refined pores that also look smaller due to reduced obstruction and damage.

Who Are Good Candidates For This Treatment?

Here are suitable candidates for PRP/Plasma Gel:

  • Those who would like to treat deep wrinkles.
  • Those with wrinkles and facial lines.
  • Those with uneven skin texture and dry skin 
  • Those who wish to regenerate healthily and plumped skin
  • Those who want to undergo long-lasting skin rejuvenation.

What Are The Possible Side Effects?

The PRP/Plasma gel is a low-risk procedure and does not usually cause significant side effects. The method involves a blood draw, so ensure to hydrate and eat beforehand to prevent lightheadedness. After the treatment, an individual may experience some soreness and bruise at the injection site.

Because PRP injections are made up of one’s own cells and plasma, the risk of an allergic reaction is much lower than other injectable medications like corticosteroids. Less common risks of PRP injections include:

  • Bleeding
  • Tissue damage
  • Infection
  • Nerve injuries

Who Should Not Receive The Treatment?

While PRP used for aesthetic procedures is safe for most individuals between the ages of 25-80, there are very few contraindications. However, the following conditions are advised not to receive the treatment: 

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Acute and Chronic Infections 
  • Anti-coagulation therapy
  • Abnormal platelet function, such as blood disorders (hemodynamic Instability, Hypofibrinogenemia, Critical Thrombocytopenia) 
  • Cancer
  • Chemotherapy
  • Chronic Liver Pathology
  • Severe metabolic and systemic disorders
  • Skin diseases (i.e., SLE, porphyria, allergies) 
  • Underlying Sepsis

What Is The Recovery Time?

The treatment is completely non-invasive and pain-free, and there is no recovery time. Here are important aftercare tips to follow: 

  • Avoid washing the treated area for 48 hrs post-treatment
  • Avoid the sun, heat exposure, and strenuous exercise for at least 2 days after the treatment
  • Avoid saunas, steam rooms, and swimming for at least 2 days
  • Avoid blood-thinning and anti-inflammatory medications for at least 3 to 7 days
  • Avoid smoking, caffeine, and alcohol for at least 3 days after the treatment

How Long Does The Result Show?

In general, results are noticeable at 3 weeks and continue to improve gradually in the next 3-6 months while improving the skin’s texture and tone. Keep in mind that advanced wrinkling cannot be reversed; only a minimal improvement is predictable in persons with drug, alcohol, and tobacco use. Also, severe scarring may not respond. 

According to current data shows, results may last 18-24 months. Since all individuals are different, there will be variations from one person to the next.

The Bottom Line

Plasma gel or bio-fillers can add plumpness to areas of the skin, making them ideal for anti-aging purposes and aesthetic augmentation, such as midface filler, cheek, or jawline filler. Bare N Beautiful LLC offers PRP/Plasma Gel using the body’s own powerful proteins instead of relying on artificial components. Ultimately, Plasma Gel is the prime treatment for skin rejuvenation and volumization.

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